Photo Gallery, hurricane Sandy

houses tilt post hurricane Sandy
Houses tilt post hurricane Sandy

During my stay in New Jersey, I passed these houses daily. Finally I walked to the ridge and found nothing left on the ocean side but rubble on a thin strip of sand.  Lapping up against these low hills, the Atlantic stretched away for 3700 miles. Next stop, France.

Three dedicated volunteers manage a mountain of donations post hurricane SandySandy
Three dedicated volunteers manage a mountain of donations


Post hurricane Sandy, I sorted pants in the pile
Post hurricane Sandy, I sorted pants in the pile
hurricane Sandy elicited poignant offerings amid the trash
hurricane Sandy elicited poignant offerings amid the trash                                                                    
Post hurricane Sandy life raft with toys at the helm
Post hurricane Sandy life raft with toys at the helm



post hurricane Sandy, our disaster relief crew headquarters
post hurricane Sandy, our disaster relief crew headquarters