Hurricane Michael facts, news, photos

In the aftermath of Hurricane Michael 

  • CNN reports as the hurricane tapered off to a tropical storm.

As I recall, an airliner needs only 120 mph to achieve lift off. Imagine what could happen to a person trying to stand up against that force! On this CNN news report, you will see what 155 mph winds can do to structures.


  • YouTube video of a house demolition post Hurricane Michael

Watch a home demolished in 15 minutes.  Like an egg in a bird’s nest, once the shell cracks the rest gives way and someone’s past goes with it. However from what I saw,  these quick demolitions were the exception more than the rule. During my visit we dismantled piece by piece and saved what we could.

  • NY Times photo analysis of hurricane damage

A few miles east of Panama City, Mexico Beach sustained some of the worst damage along the coast.


  • Panama City News Herald

December 27, 2018

This article shows some of the damage in the downtown area of Panama City with blue tarps going up. From the air, you can see these blue tarps covering roofs throughout the area.

  • FEMA Fact sheet

December 18

Check this out if you want to know the extent of damage in dollars and people displaced.


    disaster relief overview

This church-based non-profit  helps with disaster relief. The site has  a good summary of how the hurricane developed, landed and caused the damage we see today.